Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jones Island Weekend

Saturday looked to be a nice day in October so Marie and I went up to the boat, put the headsail back on and headed for Jones Island on an overnight.  We had never been there before but it sounded like it was very popular with the cruising crowd.

The morning winds were light so we motorsailed through Thatcher Pass and into Lopez Sound.  We went through Pole Pass for the first time (narrow!) and found ourselves at the bay on the north side of Jones Island in about 4 hours from Anacortes.  There was only one other boat in the bay, tied up at the dock. 

We tied up there also because it was so convenient... then we noticed the sign about marauding raccoons.  However, we didn't have any trouble from them. 

We took a beautiful hike around to the south side of the island and then back up the west side and around the northwest corner back to the boat.  It was pretty bucolic with grazing deer, fall colors, beautiful twisted madronas, cactus, birds, tidepools and wonderful vistas.

That night, Marie whipped up some shrimp fettucine for dinner and then we settled in for the night with our heater flickering merrily away.  Marie was knitting on Seth's sweater while I fell asleep reading.

Next morning, it was a bit nippy in the cabin, but we got dressed and made breakfast of Swedish pancakes (crepes) and hot drinks.  The weather report was for 25-30 knot winds starting about 3:00 so we packed it in and headed back to Anacortes early.  Got back there about 3:00 as the winds were starting to rise.  Got a little sailing in along the way.

Can't wait for the next Fall trip!

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